Aerial Solutions For Your Business

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Welcome to Aero2Astro

Revolutionizing the way infrastructures & Mining industries perform survey , monitor, inspect and manage withour integrated solutions.

Traditional methods for initial site surveying, security, monitoring maintenance, reaching inaccessible areas can be precarious and time consuming. Aero2Astro assures you the safest experience by providing you aerial solutions for your various purposes. Our solutions easily help reduce operating costs making the industries work more efficiently

operation experience you can rely on

100,000+ Acres

Area of land surveyed

124 Millian SqFt

Built-up area Monitored

3.4 Terabyte(TB)

Site-Data Analyzed

How we are Different?

Experienced and Professional team

Our team of highly experienced Engineers working around the clock to provide you with the best service

how we are different
how we are different

Tailor-made Solutions

Our solutions have adaptability to wide range of applications with user specific customisation ensuring optimal performance to meet customers' needs.

5 X Faster Data Delivery

We have automated the workflow to process and analyse the data collected to deliver on or before time.

how we are different
how we are different

Asset Management Platform

Store collected data, Processed Data in a cloud on our platform which can be easily accessible to the clients to manage and collaborate. The platform will also provide the real-time updates of the assets or project.

5 X Faster Data Delivery

We have automated the workflow to process and analyse the data collected to deliver on or before time.

how we are different

what we provide

Aero2Astro's flight services reduce operating costs with aerial imagery, data collection using AI sensors and camera, orthomosaic creations, topographic mapping, 3D models, land and water run-off elevations, cut/fill analysis, and stockpile reporting. Supervise the progress and safety of your construction site remotely while reducing operating costs. Our services assure you to access your data within your fingertips with real-time update on all the operations performed via our asset management platform.

an end to end solution

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Autonomous drone hives

Simply plan your drone mission, launch your drones with a press of a button and get fast and accurate results – all complexities handled.

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Powerful analytics

We empower enterprise customers to digitize their assets and generate digital twins to visualize, analyze, simulate, and improve assets and processes over time.

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Easy to use

Choose between enabling your workforce to use off-the-shelf drones and operate them with minimal training or benefit from our global field operations network

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Scalable technology

Using advanced multi-agent data collection algorithms and mission dynamics AI, we have built the technology that makes aerial surveys of any scale or shape possible, faster, cheaper and easier.




Increase in assets surveyed per month


Had inventory inaccuracies, translating into 1% billing improvement


Reduction in field and time


Reduction in office work cost due to accurate data


Improvement in employee safety

Request Your Free Demo

our digital solutions construction/infrastructure Solar Farm Wind Mining Electric Tower drone Service provider

Schedule live demo with one of our experts.We can learn about your requirements,answer questions and review ways our solution can help you and your organization.

Fill out the form and someone from our team will be in touch with your shortly


Use The Power of Technology to Increase Productive and Save Time

Get the best, customized solutions as per your needs for the survey and analysis of your project.

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